martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Cockles and mussels (berberechos y mejillones)

This is the story of Molly Malone.
Pincha aquí arriba para acceder a la información
de wikipedia, que explica la historia de Molly.
Encontrarás, además, la traducción de la letra.
Léela para comentarla en clase.
Click on the link above to get the information
about Molly Malone, on wikipedia (in Spanish)
Besides, you'll find the translation of the lyrics into Spanish.
Read it to make comments in class.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

I gotta a feeling (=I've got a feeling)

A gift for year 5. Hope you like it.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

Hello. This is me.


My name is Carmela Moreno. I am an English teacher at CEIP Argantonio, in Castilleja de Guzmán, Seville.

I am 39 years old. My birthday is on September 22nd.
I live in Tomares.
I like listening to music, using my computer, walking and going out with my friends.

I have two children. My daughter is twelve years old and my son is eight years old. Their names are Cristina and Juan.

I can swim very well, but I can't play football.

Can you introduce yourself in "comments"?

See you soon.

Miss Moreno.